Bar life is not the same

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Me with PR classmates this summer

I knew that my bar life was destined to go down the drain when I heard the words “Where are my 2000s babies at?!” jokingly yelled by a DJ one night while I was out. I promptly fled the establishment. To be fair, it was 12:05 a.m., which is normally when I leave to go to bed anyway.

I’ve been actively denying the fact that I’m aging since I turned 18; however, now that I feel inclined to ID people before they even try to talk to me at a bar, I’ve been forced to accept that I’m getting older.

My body has forsaken me and now inflicts me with terrible hangovers that last a full day, even though I was able to wake up the morning after a night out at age 19 feeling refreshed. My skin breaks out the moment a vodka soda touches my lips, even though I used to go on week-long benders with ease.

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This was during final exam season in third year! I probably should have been studying!

There were times in undergrad where I was in bed, and one text from a friend was all it took for me to throw on an outfit and start doing my hair. Now I need about a week’s notice to mentally prepare myself to go out, and even then I’m sometimes too tired to go to the bar.

I have some important questions about my bar future:

  • Can I only go to “old person” bars now?
  • How much time do I have before bouncers no longer ID me because I actually look of age?
  • Can I keep drinking trashy things like vodka redbulls and jägerbombs, or do I have to develop a taste for scotch?

Charity bar night the summer after first year. I was not 19 yet 🙂

Even though I physically can’t party the way I did in undergrad–and I don’t really want to anymore–I feel sad about that phase being over. I’m packing away my collection of black bodysuits, mourning the death of the bar life I once had.

And that’s okay.

Comment your best bar experience! One time the bar manager gave me a full plate of fries at 12:30 a.m. and I don’t think I will ever be that happy again in my life.

Coming up next: Five Quick Meals for the Grad on the Go

5 thoughts on “Bar life is not the same

  1. thestudentfoodie says:

    RT RT RT RT!!! I can’t believe that at only 22 I’m already too old for most of the bars in London. Are we supposed to go to Call the Office now (no offence)? During O-Week the DJ at Ceeps yelled “put your hands in the air” and all I could see was a sea of arms with O-Week wristbands. Needless to say, I left shortly after. Although I’m sad I can no longer beat my liver up every night, it’s fun to watch the next generation of students take on good old Richmond Row.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sarawarner says:

    Preach to the choir, sis! I was also with Sav at Ceeps when the DJ yelled “put your hands in the air” and all we saw was a crowd of O-Week wristbands… it was truly traumatizing. Can’t say I’ve been to Ceeps since. Since Ceeps (and don’t even get me started on Frog) is pretty much out the door, I found a new-found love for Joe Kools. It’s an older crowd but there’s a dance floor and it’s pretty lit. Highly recommend for “oldies” like us

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Fashion Wave says:

    You speak the truth! Once I turned 21 I felt like a grandma. I was tired by midnight and my hangover’s lasted 24 hours. If you want me to come out.. I’ll need at least 2 weeks notice to prepare both mentally and physically for what’s to come..

    x, Waverly

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